CyberClub Romania is inviting you to attend this workshop on December 08, 2022, from 17:00 to 18:30, to meet internationally recognized experts in OSINT and fake news. The workshop is organized within the “Celebrating 25 Years of Strategic Partnership” project, developed by the American Councils for International Education in Romania.
Organizer: Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA)
Partners: U.S. Embassy in Romania, American Councils for International Education in Romania, and Agerpres
Aim: This webinar aims to enhance participants’ knowledge in analyzing fake news with OSINT tools. In addition, the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance will present the “OSINT for Analyzing Fake News” Guide, developed with the help of the U.S. Embassy in Romania, within the “Strengthen Cybersecurity Education and Research for Preventing Cybercrime” project.
Date: December 08, 2022, 17:00-18:30 (GMT+2)
Place: Online (Microsoft Teams Platform)
Languages: Romanian and English
Target: students, journalists, investigators, law enforcement
- Gianluigi ME – Deputy Head of ICT Security Department, Arma dei Carabinieri, Italy;
- István HERÉDI – Lead Cyber Investigator, National Bureau of Investigation Cybercrime, Hungary;
- Joseph JONES – Director, Training and Capability Development Unit, Paliscope, Denmark;
- Daniel LEU – Threat Researcher, Cyber Security Cluster of Excellence (CYSCOE).
Moderator: Ioan-Cosmin MIHAI – Vice President, Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA)
Registration link: