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CyberClub Romania

Welcome to CyberClub Romania!

CyberClub Romania is a community of students, experts, and organizations, with the goal of analyzing cybersecurity challenges and opportunities.

The members can discover information about research projects, training activities, master programs, conferences, and job opportunities in the cybersecurity field.

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This initiative is developed by the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA) with the help of the U.S. Department of State and Meridian International Center.


Staying Informed

Stay updated with the latest trends and news related to cybersecurity.

Fulfilling Potential

Find the best opportunities for reaching your full potential in your job.

Making Changes

Discover all the options for making a successful career change.

Finding Balance

Determine the best way to maintain a proper cybersecurity balance.


Join our Community!

Join our Discord server to discover information about research projects, training activities, master programs, conferences, and job opportunities in the cybersecurity field.

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