Scientific Secretary

Viorel Gaftea is a scientific secretary within the Romanian Academy, Science and Information Technology Section, researcher within the Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (ICIA) and associate researcher at the Center for Macroeconomic Modeling, Romanian Academy.

Starting from 2017, he is member of International Input-Output Association (IIOA). With an extensive experience in IT&C management, administrator for national wide networks and systems (RENEL, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Communication and IT, RASDAQ Capital Market), he was member between 2005-2009 in EC working groups such as HLG European Initiative i2010, working subgroups e-ID, and e-Health, National Contact Point CIP ICT PSP, and in various national working groups for ”Digital Agenda 2020”, ”National Plan NGN” and ”Romanian Academy Strategy 2016”.

With more than 15 years of experience in macro/ CGE models, Input-Output (I-O) Analysis, he was short-term consultant, in 2014 for the World Bank, RAS -Climate Change Program for Romania, and was responsible for the I-O Block in the Macro -model Dobrescu at National Commission of Prognosis.